Light standing over him, telling him that the StarDroids have almost taken over the world. One peaceful day, Mega Man and his sister Roll are enjoying a quiet stroll through a meadow when they are suddenly attacked by a robot named Terra, who says that he and his soldiers, the StarDroids, are going to conquer the Earth! Mega Man attempts to fight off this new foe, but is quickly beaten by the StarDroid's far superior firepower. Mega Man: Dr.Mega Man's greatest adventure has come to the Gameboy! Wily & Right no Rock Board ( Prototype).Going down to the next area makes the level retain its original colors and Mega Man and Rush's faces turn purple. They also slow down the framerate of the game. One of the areas cause the sprites to flicker and change color.
The tail of the first cat in Top Man's stage disappears after being shot for a few times. After about a minute, the screen starts to scroll to the left and stops at the beginning of the stage. While getting clobbered, Mega Man will suddenly become invisible and get stuck. Mega Man gets stuck in his running animation while Break Man shows up in Gemini Man's stage. After Mega Man destroys Shadow Man using Top Spin, not only does he get stuck, but his sprite also gets glitched until the robot master's explosion sprites are off-screen. Defeating the Doc Robot that has Bubbleman's abilities with Rush Marine in the prototype will cause Mega Man's sprite to glitch. Sometimes, if too much objects appear on-screen, they will glitch or other sprites will appear for a split-second. Sometimes, if you get creamed by a boss, Mega Man's sweat from his attacked sprite will appear after he teleports back into the stage. When Mega Man gets the Top Spin, the colors for part of his helmet are incorrect. In the final, Mega Man needs to be at the edge of the platform he's standing on for the machine to appear. Much like in the Japanese version, as soon as Mega Man lands on one of the areas of the stage, a twin flying machine appears. When Mega Man lands in the area in the stages of Shadow Man, Magnet Man, and Hard Man where he battles Break Man, he gets stuck in his "running start" position. Every time a robot master is defeated in the prototype, Mega Man gets stuck in his attacking position until the robot master's explosion sprites are completely off-screen. The twin flying machines don't blink when they are being put together, much like in the Japanese version.